L’Ecomuseo del Vanoi sarà protagonista della puntata di “Geo” che andrà in onda venerdì 29 marzo, dalle 17 alle 18.25 su RAI 3.
La puntata di “Geo” dedicherà un ampio spazio alla Valle del Vanoi e al Parco Naturale Paneveggio Pale di San Martino.
In particolare, la puntata è dedicata alla realizzazione del cammino da Caoria a Venezia “Il Cammino del Fiume di legno” e alla storia della fluitazione del legname dalle foreste delle valli del Vanoi e di Primiero verso la Laguna, a partire dal quattordicesimo secolo e fino primi anni del secolo scorso. Al tema della fluitazione si ispira, infatti, la realizzazione di questo cammino storico, turistico, escursionistico a piedi, lungo 170 chilometri che costeggia nella prima parte il torrente Vanoi e nella pianura veneta il fiume Brenta, seguendo quindi l’antico tragitto del legno.
As the voyagers descended the river, they had
Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM, Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM a serious alarm. Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM Their scouts came Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM in, and reported that they had found fresh footprints of Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM men in Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM the forest. These proved, however, to be the tracks, 417 not of enemies, but of friends. In the Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM preceding autumn Bressani Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM had gone down to the Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM French settlements with about twenty Hurons, and was now returning with them, and Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM twice their number of armed Frenchmen, for the defence of the mission. His scouts had also been alarmed by discovering the Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM footprints of Ragueneau’s Indians; and for some time the two parties stood on their Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM guard, each taking the other for an enemy. When at Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM length they discovered their mistake, they Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM met with embraces and rejoicing. Bressani and his Frenchmen had come too late. All was over with Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.3 AWMP4.3 EXAM the Hurons and the Huron mission; and, as it was useless to go farther, they joined Ragueneau’s party, and retraced their course for the settlements.
Ospiti negli studi RAI a Roma, Mauro Cecco, presidente Ecomuseo del Vanoi; Angelo Orsingher ideatore del “Il Cammino del Fiume di legno”; Guido Pradel, cuoco-agricoltore; Walter Taufer addetto alla comunicazione del Parco naturale Paneveggio Pale di San Martino e Laura Ciaghi accompagnatore di territorio della Compagnia dei Cammini.