To register for the Symposium, please compile the registration form available here: https://forms.gle/LBCdiNb7UzZsYzZk9

The registration must be followed by the payment of the registration fee. Please be aware that the payment must be made at the same time as registration (within few days). Reduced fees (see below) must be paid within the deadline of March 31, 2025.

The payment must be made via bank transfer to the UniCredit bank account held by the Parco Paneveggio – Pale di San Martino Authority. Following are the bank details:
Bank: UniCredit Bank
Bank account holder: Ente Parco Paneveggio – Pale di San Martino
IBAN code: IT 87 W 02008 05615 000004479811


The registration fee includes the participation to the congress, to the excursions, and the possibility to use the shuttle service (if it will be activated). The costs of packed lunches for the excursions and social dinner are not included in the registration fee.

Reduced fee*, juniores (students, PhD candidates, PostDoc researchers) = 80,00 €
Reduced fee*, seniores (others) = 120,00 €
Full fee, juniores (students, PhD candidates, PostDoc researchers) = 100,00 €
Full fee, seniores (others) = 150,00 €
* Reduced fees must be paid within the deadline of March 31, 2025.



Tuesday, July 1
Symposium, day 1.
Keynote talk by Prof. Martin Grube.
Sessions to be defined.

Wednesday, July 2
Field excursion 1: Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Natural Park, northern sector.
Two groups: one in low-altitude habitats, better suitable also for those who cannot hike along a wide altitude difference (Paneveggio Forest), and one in high-altitude habitats, affordable for better walkers (Mount Cavallazza).

Thursday, July 3
Symposium, day 2.
Keynote talk by Prof. Christoph Scheidegger.
Keynote talk by Prof. Pier Luigi Nimis.
Sessions to be defined.
Special event for the general public in the late afternoon.
Social dinner in the evening.

Friday, July 4
Field excursion 2: Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Natural Park, southern sector.
Two groups: one in low-altitude habitats, better suitable also for those who cannot hike along a wide altitude difference (Lake of Calaita), and one in high-altitude habitats, affordable for better walkers (Val Pisorno/Forcella Folga).


Session topics are drafted hereinafter to provide general guidelines to the contributors; they will be better finalized after the abstract submissions are closed.
The main focus is on the Alps, however also lichenologists who do not work on the Alps but carry out their research on topics that can be applied also to Alpine lichens are welcome to submit an abstract.

1. Diversity
Systematics and Taxonomy of Alpine Lichens
Lichen Diversity Hotspots in the Alps

2. Biology
Challenges for Lichen Symbiosis in extreme Environments
Lichen Biology and Physiology in Alpine Environments

3. Ecology
Lichen Ecology in Alpine Environments
Effects of Global Change on Alpine Lichens

4. Conservation
Role of Protected Areas in preserving Lichens on the Alps
Conservation Projects and Habitat Management for Alpine Lichens
Surveying and Monitoring Lichens for Conservation

5. Applied Lichenology
Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Alpine Area


Abstracts must be submitted within the deadline of March 31, 2025, to gabriele.gheza@unibo.it, who will notify the receipt. A template is available HERE.
If a reply is not delivered within a few days, please try again.


Payment of reduced fees: March 31, 2025.
Abstract submission: March 31, 2025.


Shuttle Service – We are planning to provide a shuttle service from/to the train stations of the cities of Trento (TN) and Feltre (BL) on the day before the beginning (Monday, June 30) and the day after the end (Saturday, July 5) of the Symposium. The service will be provided only if a certain number of partecipants will ask for it. Please specify in the registration form if you would like to benefit of such service.

Social Dinner – On Thurdsay, July 3, the social dinner of the Symposium will take place in Fiera di Primiero. The location is still to be decided, however it will surely include a typical Italian alpine meal. Please specify in the registration form if you will attend the social dinner and, if needed, any food allergy or intolerance.

Special Event for the General Public – Professor Pier Luigi Nimis will hold a conference on lichens open to the general public. This event will take place on Thurdsay, July 3, and will be held in Italian.



SLI – Società Lichenologica Italiana

AFL – Association Française de Lichénologie

BLAM – Bryologisch-lichenologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa

BLS – British Lichen Society

BRYOLICH – Schweizerische Vereinigung für Bryologie und Lichenologie

NLF – Nordisk Lichenologisk Förening

SBI – Società Botanica Italiana

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