Calaita Lake

The lake mirrors in its still waters the vertical cliffs of the Cimon de la Pala with its typical inclined thrush; all this, framed by the spruce forest that closes the basin of the lake.
This area is of greatest interest for the Trentino flora and has been known since the early days of the floristic exploration of the province.
At an altitude of 1605 meters, Calaita is a natural lake originated by a glacial morain. It is half a kilometer long, 200 meters wide and about 3 meters deep. Downstream of the morain, the water re-emerges in several springs. The water level is not constant and this creates a muddy strip of land that is periodically submerged. The rarest and most interesting floristic species in the area are linked to this particular environment. The fact that most of these species were known already in the early 19th century shows that instability in the water level is a longstanding phenomenon.