
In ancient times here there was a hospice which, together with that of Saints Martino and Giuliano in Castrozza, was used by travelers who faced the passes of Rolle and Valles along difficult paths. By the hospice there was a small church built in 1733 and some saw mills and lumber yards.
Paneveggio is in the center of the province-owned forest that covers the two sides of the upper Travignolo valley, from the slopes of Cima Bocche to the Lagorai Chain.
The extension of the Paneveggio forest is about 2700 hectares. The tree layer consists mainly (85%) of spruce (Picea abies), which occupies the altimetric range between 1500 and 1900 meters. It is the famous resonance wood that has always been used by luthiers for the construction of sound boxes, which makes this place known as the “Forest of violins”.
Higher up, up to around 2200 meters, larch (Larix decidua) and Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) become more frequent. The spotted nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) plays an important role in the renewal of the cembreta: in fact, during the ripening period of the pine nuts, this corvid creates real pantries of these seeds, which it then uses in lean periods.